Monthly Report for June 2024
Total Hits 94072843
Total Files 76850512
Pages 4760400
Visits 588453
Total Volume 54.80 TB
Total Unique Sites 811164
Total Unique URLs 5489108
Total Unique Referrers 77014
Total Unique User Agents 7173
Total Bad Records 12
Total Ignored Records 2341764
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 130656 248641
Hits per Day 3135761 4233221
Files per Day 2561683 3465963
Pages per Day 158680 231241
Visits per Day 19615 29599
Sites per Day 27038 247973
Volume per Day 1.83 TB 3.68 TB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 76587659 81.41%
Code 206 - Partial Content 262853 0.28%
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 38498 0.04%
Code 302 - Found 11156367 11.86%
Code 304 - Not Modified 638590 0.68%
Code 400 - Bad Request 9546 0.01%
Code 403 - Forbidden 546 0.00%
Code 404 - Not Found 5245787 5.58%
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 12 0.00%
Code 408 - Request Timeout 30949 0.03%
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 1 0.00%
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 102034 0.11%
Code 501 - Not Implemented 1 0.00%

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Report for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 2864074 3.04% 2268774 2.95% 162665 3.42% 5.68% 23786 4.04% 137916 3.05% 1.10 TB 2.00%
2 2891608 3.07% 2253225 2.93% 176033 3.70% 6.09% 27265 4.63% 141147 3.12% 1.00 TB 1.83%
3 3013412 3.20% 2434333 3.17% 161070 3.38% 5.35% 24404 4.15% 146073 3.23% 1.72 TB 3.14%
4 3652575 3.88% 3132968 4.08% 137875 2.90% 3.77% 16520 2.81% 247973 5.48% 3.68 TB 6.71%
5 3135515 3.33% 2604173 3.39% 133256 2.80% 4.25% 16145 2.74% 186630 4.12% 2.25 TB 4.11%
6 4233221 4.50% 3465963 4.51% 229053 4.81% 5.41% 22628 3.85% 191830 4.24% 3.17 TB 5.79%
7 3408543 3.62% 2902689 3.78% 150533 3.16% 4.42% 16301 2.77% 185190 4.09% 2.75 TB 5.01%
8 2955923 3.14% 2306117 3.00% 128383 2.70% 4.34% 16153 2.74% 138761 3.06% 1.28 TB 2.34%
9 3685112 3.92% 2800420 3.64% 154944 3.25% 4.20% 19782 3.36% 132050 2.92% 1.20 TB 2.19%
10 3123408 3.32% 2478932 3.23% 144800 3.04% 4.64% 18117 3.08% 147214 3.25% 1.86 TB 3.40%
11 3078346 3.27% 2416893 3.14% 154463 3.24% 5.02% 19768 3.36% 143430 3.17% 1.93 TB 3.53%
12 3037599 3.23% 2497129 3.25% 121588 2.55% 4.00% 11518 1.96% 150963 3.33% 2.15 TB 3.92%
13 3274857 3.48% 2677874 3.48% 131023 2.75% 4.00% 13690 2.33% 157120 3.47% 2.42 TB 4.41%
14 2962831 3.15% 2372462 3.09% 130954 2.75% 4.42% 13093 2.22% 150048 3.31% 1.94 TB 3.53%
15 2762880 2.94% 2224254 2.89% 131095 2.75% 4.74% 13957 2.37% 135577 2.99% 1.44 TB 2.62%
16 2929372 3.11% 2404715 3.13% 133690 2.81% 4.56% 19199 3.26% 139276 3.08% 1.34 TB 2.45%
17 2884260 3.07% 2323186 3.02% 145067 3.05% 5.03% 19788 3.36% 140251 3.10% 1.57 TB 2.86%
18 3011484 3.20% 2464150 3.21% 132908 2.79% 4.41% 13629 2.32% 140585 3.10% 1.49 TB 2.72%
19 3140531 3.34% 2577437 3.35% 143952 3.02% 4.58% 15230 2.59% 139864 3.09% 1.68 TB 3.07%
20 3164521 3.36% 2600699 3.38% 156454 3.29% 4.94% 20929 3.56% 147457 3.26% 1.97 TB 3.60%
21 3101434 3.30% 2537328 3.30% 150548 3.16% 4.85% 23136 3.93% 148488 3.28% 2.00 TB 3.64%
22 2801884 2.98% 2264508 2.95% 153588 3.23% 5.48% 20933 3.56% 149667 3.31% 2.18 TB 3.98%
23 2862781 3.04% 2364333 3.08% 147497 3.10% 5.15% 21444 3.64% 132714 2.93% 1.40 TB 2.56%
24 2985499 3.17% 2473128 3.22% 158734 3.33% 5.32% 23103 3.93% 138957 3.07% 1.63 TB 2.98%
25 3163924 3.36% 2635169 3.43% 177758 3.73% 5.62% 23822 4.05% 143198 3.16% 1.57 TB 2.87%
26 3589120 3.82% 3050099 3.97% 231241 4.86% 6.44% 29599 5.03% 149764 3.31% 2.00 TB 3.65%
27 3389367 3.60% 2852260 3.71% 216612 4.55% 6.39% 24510 4.17% 149865 3.31% 1.84 TB 3.36%
28 3200701 3.40% 2675553 3.48% 190118 3.99% 5.94% 21506 3.65% 147354 3.25% 1.67 TB 3.04%
29 2917371 3.10% 2425477 3.16% 186568 3.92% 6.40% 22283 3.79% 134831 2.98% 1.19 TB 2.18%
30 2850690 3.03% 2366264 3.08% 187930 3.95% 6.59% 21606 3.67% 133779 2.95% 1.38 TB 2.51%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Report for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 123197 3695931 3.93% 98673 2960202 3.85% 6553 196601 4.13% 5.32% 32511 975358 120.24% 81.05 GB 2.43 TB 4.44%
1 154196 4625898 4.92% 123419 3702583 4.82% 7744 232349 4.88% 5.02% 20570 617127 76.08% 104.83 GB 3.14 TB 5.74%
2 133598 4007965 4.26% 110456 3313709 4.31% 5547 166427 3.50% 4.15% 19647 589431 72.66% 76.55 GB 2.30 TB 4.19%
3 118005 3540176 3.76% 97228 2916855 3.80% 5577 167316 3.51% 4.73% 12401 372038 45.86% 81.44 GB 2.44 TB 4.46%
4 139413 4182392 4.45% 115607 3468216 4.51% 5604 168136 3.53% 4.02% 9607 288231 35.53% 91.83 GB 2.76 TB 5.03%
5 130785 3923560 4.17% 104997 3149938 4.10% 5889 176689 3.71% 4.50% 6967 209010 25.77% 87.46 GB 2.62 TB 4.79%
6 132688 3980643 4.23% 108220 3246629 4.22% 6858 205749 4.32% 5.17% 4872 146187 18.02% 91.10 GB 2.73 TB 4.99%
7 153295 4598878 4.89% 121832 3654979 4.76% 8003 240094 5.04% 5.22% 4187 125626 15.49% 83.07 GB 2.49 TB 4.55%
8 131462 3943863 4.19% 109392 3281770 4.27% 6347 190438 4.00% 4.83% 3352 100580 12.40% 74.46 GB 2.23 TB 4.08%
9 136707 4101223 4.36% 115259 3457792 4.50% 7042 211268 4.44% 5.15% 3138 94161 11.61% 79.41 GB 2.38 TB 4.35%
10 133451 4003534 4.26% 111207 3336232 4.34% 7026 210809 4.43% 5.27% 3049 91495 11.28% 79.58 GB 2.39 TB 4.36%
11 126799 3803985 4.04% 105187 3155628 4.11% 6716 201499 4.23% 5.30% 3654 109627 13.51% 77.52 GB 2.33 TB 4.24%
12 123723 3711706 3.95% 101689 3050679 3.97% 6699 200975 4.22% 5.41% 3002 90070 11.10% 69.48 GB 2.08 TB 3.80%
13 143612 4308382 4.58% 114220 3426627 4.46% 8092 242768 5.10% 5.63% 2287 68628 8.46% 75.97 GB 2.28 TB 4.16%
14 127575 3827271 4.07% 105914 3177422 4.13% 6039 181172 3.81% 4.73% 2243 67311 8.30% 73.16 GB 2.19 TB 4.01%
15 120200 3606019 3.83% 98216 2946503 3.83% 6190 185713 3.90% 5.15% 1975 59267 7.31% 71.99 GB 2.16 TB 3.94%
16 127597 3827919 4.07% 104545 3136369 4.08% 6603 198117 4.16% 5.18% 1981 59445 7.33% 67.45 GB 2.02 TB 3.69%
17 119395 3581867 3.81% 96508 2895262 3.77% 6321 189636 3.98% 5.29% 1847 55412 6.83% 63.44 GB 1.90 TB 3.47%
18 115865 3475978 3.69% 93756 2812707 3.66% 6474 194247 4.08% 5.59% 1609 48286 5.95% 60.37 GB 1.81 TB 3.30%
19 151290 4538722 4.82% 119731 3591942 4.67% 8426 252802 5.31% 5.57% 1566 47007 5.80% 64.34 GB 1.93 TB 3.52%
20 121418 3642540 3.87% 99877 2996338 3.90% 6411 192345 4.04% 5.28% 1768 53058 6.54% 62.09 GB 1.86 TB 3.40%
21 125241 3757238 3.99% 104333 3130018 4.07% 6678 200346 4.21% 5.33% 1731 51947 6.40% 70.16 GB 2.10 TB 3.84%
22 128591 3857733 4.10% 106034 3181034 4.14% 5927 177824 3.74% 4.61% 2635 79055 9.75% 70.85 GB 2.13 TB 3.88%
23 117647 3529420 3.75% 95369 2861078 3.72% 5902 177080 3.72% 5.02% 4320 129615 15.98% 69.02 GB 2.07 TB 3.78%

Top URLs by Hits for June 2024

Top 30 of 5489108 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 10063286 10.70% 33.61 GB 0.06% /elrepo/elrepo/el8/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
2 6730740 7.15% 21.88 GB 0.04% /
3 5789365 6.15% 18.82 GB 0.03% /
4 4557208 4.84% 15.19 GB 0.03% /elrepo/elrepo/el7/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
5 3453050 3.67% 11.54 GB 0.02% /elrepo/elrepo/el9/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
6 2002391 2.13% 7.96 GB 0.01% /centos/7.9.2009/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
7 1975393 2.10% 6.44 GB 0.01% /centos/7.9.2009/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
8 1905552 2.03% 6.17 GB 0.01% /centos/7.9.2009/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
9 1413482 1.50% 2.66 TB 4.85% /
10 1074966 1.14% 4.95 GB 0.01% /fedora-epel/7/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
11 926877 0.99% 1.74 TB 3.18% /
12 856430 0.91% 2.87 GB 0.01% /elrepo/kernel/el8/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
13 578759 0.62% 1.93 GB 0.00% /elrepo/kernel/el7/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
14 506112 0.54% 516.07 GB 0.94% /
15 505086 0.54% 1.70 TB 3.10% /
16 361489 0.38% 147.51 GB 0.27% /fedora-epel/7/x86_64/repodata/9cfdefede5c3cf769a448c2a7d0a6441d6dbd7ba215833153a284c50c76faa56-comps-Everything.x86_64.xml
17 329424 0.35% 1.11 GB 0.00% /centos/7.9.2009/sclo/x86_64/rh/repodata/repomd.xml
18 307428 0.33% 79.70 GB 0.15% /centos/7.9.2009/extras/x86_64/repodata/e12dbf10e94bc2b33b1f45e026559bc8685728b139dddae0654d96bc624c5602-primary.sqlite.bz2
19 305754 0.33% 994.41 MB 0.00% /
20 292413 0.31% 979.27 MB 0.00% /centos/7.9.2009/sclo/x86_64/sclo/repodata/repomd.xml
21 267901 0.28% 890.35 MB 0.00% /elrepo/extras/el8/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
22 264733 0.28% 1.05 GB 0.00% /centos-altarch/7.9.2009/os/armhfp/repodata/repomd.xml
23 263808 0.28% 855.27 MB 0.00% /centos-altarch/7.9.2009/extras/armhfp/repodata/repomd.xml
24 262086 0.28% 853.62 MB 0.00% /centos-altarch/7.9.2009/updates/armhfp/repodata/repomd.xml
25 261664 0.28% 1.08 GB 0.00% /almalinux/8.10/BaseOS/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml
26 261384 0.28% 847.40 MB 0.00% /centos-altarch/7.9.2009/kernel/armhfp/kernel-rpi2/repodata/repomd.xml
27 261076 0.28% 1.20 GB 0.00% /almalinux/8.10/AppStream/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml
28 251885 0.27% 832.78 MB 0.00% /elrepo/kernel/el9/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
29 243796 0.26% 38.27 GB 0.07% /centos/7.9.2009/os/x86_64/repodata/a4e2b46586aa556c3b6f814dad5b16db5a669984d66b68e873586cd7c7253301-c7-x86_64-comps.xml.gz
30 235667 0.25% 855.89 MB 0.00% /almalinux/8.10/extras/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml
... 47563638 50.56% 47.77 TB 87.18% Other

Top URLs by Volume for June 2024

Top 10 of 5489108 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 121453 0.13% 3.48 TB 6.36% /centos/7.9.2009/updates/x86_64/repodata/f19044932626155f0cd849e88972b84875fc85e3308b4d622844a911c4ef54d0-primary.sqlite.bz2
2 108002 0.11% 3.10 TB 5.65% /centos/7.9.2009/updates/x86_64/repodata/d82694ce949cf43a3f118256161e75f9617d175886d254b5babd2dcc314d76e9-primary.sqlite.bz2
3 1413482 1.50% 2.66 TB 4.85% /
4 1941 0.00% 2.41 TB 4.40% /hirensbootcd/HBCD_PE_x64.iso
5 76884 0.08% 2.15 TB 3.92% /centos/7.9.2009/updates/x86_64/repodata/99a4ce3aa59de821307502915bd144d51e70bfc585a2d0154147c9e4398092ec-primary.sqlite.bz2
6 926877 0.99% 1.74 TB 3.18% /
7 505086 0.54% 1.70 TB 3.10% /
8 199277 0.21% 1.26 TB 2.30% /centos/7.9.2009/os/x86_64/repodata/6d0c3a488c282fe537794b5946b01e28c7f44db79097bb06826e1c0c88bad5ef-primary.sqlite.bz2
9 39049 0.04% 1.09 TB 1.99% /centos/7.9.2009/updates/x86_64/repodata/873e3f4ba7e1f50ba189c86efb1630c800da1efaeb20bbbcbd240390ad9214b5-primary.sqlite.bz2
10 967 0.00% 1.07 TB 1.96% /debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-bd/debian-edu-12.5.0-amd64-BD-1.iso
... 90679825 96.39% 34.13 TB 62.28% Other

Top Entry Pages for June 2024

Top 10 of 126015 Total Entry Pages
# Entry Page Views Single Access Stickiness Popularity (Good > 1) URL
1 63748 13.37% 7820 87.73% 6.5 /ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease
2 24911 5.23% 24383 2.12% 1.0 /mariadb/repo/10.4/ubuntu/dists/focal/InRelease
3 14916 3.13% 7695 48.41% 1.0 /
4 14770 3.10% 887 93.99% 1.0 /
5 11505 2.41% 1714 85.10% 5.4 /ubuntu/dists/focal/InRelease
6 7592 1.59% 7468 1.63% 1.0 /mariadb/repo/10.11/ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease
7 5649 1.18% 5578 1.26% 1.0 /mariadb/repo/10.6/ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease
8 4783 1.00% 4056 15.20% 1.0 /ubuntu/dists/noble/Release
9 4483 0.94% 3994 10.91% 1.0 /mariadb/repo/10.5/debian/dists/buster/InRelease
10 4161 0.87% 3239 22.16% 1.0 /mariadb/repo/10.5/ubuntu/dists/focal/InRelease
... 320246 67.17% 153154     Other

Top Exit Pages for June 2024

Top 10 of 134863 Total Exit Pages
# Exit Page Views Popularity (Good > 1) URL
1 31320 6.20% 0.0 /ubuntu/dists/jammy-backports/InRelease
2 24910 4.93% 1.0 /mariadb/repo/10.4/ubuntu/dists/focal/InRelease
3 15399 3.05% 1.0 /
4 15008 2.97% 1.0 /
5 9778 1.94% 6.5 /ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease
6 7627 1.51% 1.0 /mariadb/repo/10.11/ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease
7 6355 1.26% 0.1 /ubuntu/dists/focal-backports/InRelease
8 5676 1.12% 1.0 /mariadb/repo/10.6/ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease
9 4745 0.94% 1.0 /ubuntu/dists/noble/Release
10 4468 0.88% 1.0 /mariadb/repo/10.5/debian/dists/buster/InRelease
... 379939 75.20%   Other

Top Sites by Pages for June 2024

Top 30 of 811164 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 275327 5.78% 4077179 4.33% 2774181 3.61% 1.17 GB 0.00% 120 0.02%
2 225176 4.73% 225176 0.24% 10928 0.01% 5.48 GB 0.01% 2 0.00%
3 224900 4.72% 224900 0.24% 10851 0.01% 5.27 GB 0.01% 2 0.00%
4 224801 4.72% 224801 0.24% 11098 0.01% 5.47 GB 0.01% 2 0.00%
5 224782 4.72% 224782 0.24% 10916 0.01% 5.40 GB 0.01% 2 0.00%
6 224433 4.71% 224433 0.24% 10874 0.01% 5.35 GB 0.01% 2 0.00%
7 224339 4.71% 224339 0.24% 10955 0.01% 5.28 GB 0.01% 2 0.00%
8 224298 4.71% 224298 0.24% 10853 0.01% 5.50 GB 0.01% 2 0.00%
9 223993 4.71% 223993 0.24% 10827 0.01% 5.25 GB 0.01% 2 0.00%
10 89776 1.89% 606181 0.64% 0 0.00% 342.49 MB 0.00% 179 0.03%
11 43026 0.90% 43031 0.05% 43031 0.06% 356.76 MB 0.00% 2 0.00%
12 38082 0.80% 486678 0.52% 486549 0.63% 1.01 GB 0.00% 60 0.01%
13 23293 0.49% 49937 0.05% 34577 0.04% 5.70 GB 0.01% 1 0.00%
14 17230 0.36% 17230 0.02% 17230 0.02% 179.53 MB 0.00% 2 0.00%
15 16909 0.36% 244548 0.26% 244548 0.32% 609.97 MB 0.00% 8 0.00%
16 16309 0.34% 16309 0.02% 0 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 16 0.00%
17 15604 0.33% 247225 0.26% 247225 0.32% 659.41 MB 0.00% 9 0.00% 2600:1f10:4a78:1402:40fd:de5a:a001:56ba
18 14068 0.30% 36478 0.04% 32262 0.04% 6.70 GB 0.01% 1 0.00%
19 13893 0.29% 14006 0.01% 1460 0.00% 1.37 GB 0.00% 124 0.02%
20 11518 0.24% 31058 0.03% 22610 0.03% 7.40 GB 0.01% 1 0.00%
21 10417 0.22% 210611 0.22% 210031 0.27% 10.55 GB 0.02% 332 0.06%
22 10288 0.22% 209981 0.22% 209436 0.27% 10.94 GB 0.02% 319 0.05%
23 10077 0.21% 198604 0.21% 198061 0.26% 10.75 GB 0.02% 332 0.06%
24 7750 0.16% 7876 0.01% 7741 0.01% 126.17 MB 0.00% 1 0.00%
25 7181 0.15% 25147 0.03% 0 0.00% 10.84 MB 0.00% 27 0.00%
26 5416 0.11% 16925 0.02% 0 0.00% 6.35 MB 0.00% 649 0.11%
27 5345 0.11% 5345 0.01% 0 0.00% 2.43 MB 0.00% 26 0.00%
28 5054 0.11% 43338 0.05% 25207 0.03% 119.64 MB 0.00% 1 0.00%
29 4852 0.10% 30769 0.03% 28338 0.04% 1.13 GB 0.00% 2 0.00%
30 4775 0.10% 5369 0.01% 2940 0.00% 35.94 MB 0.00% 55 0.01%
... 2317488 48.68% 85652296 91.05% 72177783 93.92% 54.70 TB 99.81% 586170 99.61% Other

Top Sites by Volume for June 2024

Top 10 of 811164 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 0 0.00% 239149 0.25% 239149 0.31% 1.34 TB 2.45% 0 0.00%
2 0 0.00% 236141 0.25% 236136 0.31% 1.28 TB 2.34% 0 0.00%
3 0 0.00% 265361 0.28% 264414 0.34% 1.11 TB 2.02% 0 0.00%
4 0 0.00% 966 0.00% 966 0.00% 1.07 TB 1.96% 0 0.00%
5 0 0.00% 181996 0.19% 181996 0.24% 1.01 TB 1.84% 0 0.00%
6 0 0.00% 920016 0.98% 918921 1.20% 598.40 GB 1.09% 0 0.00%
7 0 0.00% 134943 0.14% 134202 0.17% 529.87 GB 0.97% 0 0.00%
8 0 0.00% 97277 0.10% 97202 0.13% 461.65 GB 0.84% 0 0.00%
9 0 0.00% 203370 0.22% 202840 0.26% 456.62 GB 0.83% 0 0.00%
10 6 0.00% 425154 0.45% 280910 0.37% 405.82 GB 0.74% 5 0.00%
... 4760394 100.00% 91368470 97.13% 74293776 96.67% 46.52 TB 84.90% 588448 100.00% Other
Top 30 of 77014 Total Referrers
# Pages URL
1 4563992 95.87% - (Direct Request)
2 1019 0.02%
3 1015 0.02%
4 713 0.01%
5 675 0.01%
6 668 0.01%
7 657 0.01%
8 655 0.01%
9 653 0.01%
10 638 0.01%
11 628 0.01%
12 617 0.01%
13 606 0.01%
14 595 0.01%
15 224 0.00%
16 180 0.00%
17 135 0.00%
18 105 0.00%
19 100 0.00%
20 96 0.00%
21 96 0.00%
22 95 0.00%
23 89 0.00%
24 60 0.00%
25 59 0.00%
26 55 0.00%
27 55 0.00%
28 55 0.00%
29 51 0.00%
30 48 0.00%
... 185766 3.90% Other

Top User Agents June 2024

Top 15 of 7173 Total User Agents
# Pages User Agent
1 1798566 37.78% MirrorCache/mirror_scan
2 645930 13.57% Browser: Netscape 4.8
3 571654 12.01% Browser: Safari (OSX)
4 301407 6.33% Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (2.4.12) non-interactive
5 275327 5.78% mirrormanager-crawler/0.1 (+
6 143150 3.01% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
7 86220 1.81% Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (1.2.32ubuntu0.2)
8 73380 1.54% Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (2.0.10) non-interactive
9 73083 1.54% Browser: Internet Explorer 5.0
10 72392 1.52% urlgrabber/3.10 yum/3.4.3
11 58617 1.23% Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (2.4.12)
12 43025 0.90% Uptime-Kuma/1.21.2
13 40202 0.84% lftp/4.4.8
14 38089 0.80% Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (1.6.12ubuntu0.2)
15 32563 0.68% curl/7.61.1
... 1797462 37.76% Other

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 30 of 170 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 2110867 44.34% 8934467 9.50% 5438582 7.08% 1.14 TB 2.08% Germany
2 962661 20.22% 30579613 32.51% 23160633 30.14% 9.16 TB 16.72% United States
3 568285 11.94% 16798912 17.86% 15873272 20.65% 26.32 TB 48.04% United Kingdom
4 380119 7.99% 3467634 3.69% 2886591 3.76% 1.14 TB 2.07% France
5 351099 7.38% 8119184 8.63% 7288882 9.48% 6.05 TB 11.03% Unresolved/Unknown
6 68248 1.43% 3390092 3.60% 2729344 3.55% 705.06 GB 1.29% Russian Federation
7 64203 1.35% 554138 0.59% 456549 0.59% 76.28 GB 0.14% Singapore
8 30306 0.64% 3224854 3.43% 2780336 3.62% 406.59 GB 0.74% China
9 21328 0.45% 1589275 1.69% 1364632 1.78% 527.06 GB 0.96% Netherlands
10 19399 0.41% 2288651 2.43% 2145882 2.79% 5.23 TB 9.55% Ireland
11 18601 0.39% 890626 0.95% 690059 0.90% 130.72 GB 0.24% Canada
12 15623 0.33% 770396 0.82% 562470 0.73% 108.13 GB 0.20% Brazil
13 12606 0.26% 450133 0.48% 422868 0.55% 91.26 GB 0.17% Finland
14 11418 0.24% 917610 0.98% 822050 1.07% 263.27 GB 0.48% Italy
15 9416 0.20% 674132 0.72% 602236 0.78% 181.56 GB 0.33% Poland
16 8623 0.18% 367103 0.39% 270982 0.35% 24.21 GB 0.04% Taiwan
17 7444 0.16% 906000 0.96% 797789 1.04% 698.22 GB 1.27% Spain
18 6311 0.13% 141100 0.15% 111920 0.15% 44.06 GB 0.08% Hungary
19 5958 0.13% 115931 0.12% 102791 0.13% 29.80 GB 0.05% Bulgaria
20 5747 0.12% 682634 0.73% 589404 0.77% 113.60 GB 0.21% India
21 4779 0.10% 246761 0.26% 227621 0.30% 156.20 GB 0.29% Sweden
22 4537 0.10% 59089 0.06% 43895 0.06% 12.24 GB 0.02% Estonia
23 4481 0.09% 457686 0.49% 421448 0.55% 112.23 GB 0.20% Switzerland
24 4245 0.09% 423568 0.45% 206777 0.27% 213.25 GB 0.39% Belgium
25 4056 0.09% 374845 0.40% 317867 0.41% 43.70 GB 0.08% Hong Kong
26 3950 0.08% 129517 0.14% 112229 0.15% 43.46 GB 0.08% Norway
27 3601 0.08% 97145 0.10% 75772 0.10% 11.33 GB 0.02% Thailand
28 3540 0.07% 269389 0.29% 240393 0.31% 30.70 GB 0.06% Ukraine
29 3189 0.07% 2005779 2.13% 1575590 2.05% 174.09 GB 0.32% Japan
30 2907 0.06% 362903 0.39% 332128 0.43% 115.60 GB 0.21% Czech Republic
... 42853 0.90% 4783676 5.09% 4199520 5.46% 1.45 TB 2.65% Other